Thursday, April 5, 2007

Freezing rains

OMG I've had a hell of a day.

First I went to TPU's Freshman Orientation, in hopes of meeting people, but to no avail. Many reasons put together. It was a very formal occasion so there wasn't much room for socializing. And I was constantly in the presence of some staff member, so I ddn't have a chance to go it alone. Oh well... I will have more chances later.

But OMG that thing was boring. Almost all the parents were falling asleep. Does anyone remember CMU's orientation? Each time I think of it, I think of the guy running down the aisle with a giant condom on his head. But that's not it.

But still, it wasn't a formal occasion, wasn't it? There were definitely a lot of cheering and waving of balloons when each department had to stand and acknowledge their declared majors. Here it was a lot of stand up, bow at the waist, sit back down. Everyone wore business suits (except me b/c I didn't know). And it was so quiet.

But yeah, after that I rode my new bike (on loan by the school. BTW. Yesterday was the first day I've been on a bike since my sophomore year of high school) home to my apartment (which, btw... so awesome! I am spoiled so badly it's awesome). Because of the total restlessness of me not spending my days exploring this new country, I decided to take a route I didn't know and get myself a little lost in hopes of seeing something new.

So it rains today.

And me getting a little lost turns in to me getting really lost. And with the pouring rain, I really have no knowledge of how to navigate.

It's also around 45 degrees.

And then my bike breaks. So I have to stop and fix it for awhile.

I eventually give up trying to reorient myself and step into a Skylark (Japan's version of the 24-hr diner) and ask for directions. I'm a good half hour away from Midorigaoki, the region my apartment is in. And I head out in the rain.

Almost before getting to my street, I decide to stop at a Japanese food court and chow down b/c by then, I'm starved. And had been biking and feeling tired and cold for the last 2-3 hours. I ate a lot. A lot more than I'm used to around here.

But I made it! And decided it'd be a good idea to eat ice cream. Hehe.

But I took a hot bath, that was good.

Anyways, that's my day. Cold rain, broken bike, and getting lost in Atsugi.

I'm not pissed or anything. And for some reason, I wasn't freaked out. I guess I already felt lost anyways, so actually getting lost wasn't really any change. Hehe.

I was just really tired in the end. And cold.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is "BTW"? It feel good to reay your Blog. :-)