Sunday, April 22, 2007

Skinny people

My theory on why Japanese people are so skinny:

They aren't anorexic. I watch Japanese people eat a ton more than I do, especially rice.
It isn't the food quality. Even though they don't have canned or frozen foods, they instead have dried. And while most things are bought fresh, most of the Japanese dishes I come across are either soaked in sauces or deep fried, causing me to cook more often.

They're all dehydrated.

That's the reason all the Japanese people are skinny.
Try going to a restaurant here. They always give you an amount of water that equates to 1 cup. And never offer refills. That is, if they give you water.
However, they supply the rice and food like ur gonna starve the rest of the day.

Of course, this is me. I'm used to having a bottle of water with me always and eating not even a full bowl of rice. And that's the tiny Chinese rice bowls we're talking about.



Paula said...

Really? I thought drinking enough water helps your body to function better and clean out the garbage inside your body, so from my oppinion, lots of water keeps you healthy and fit~

Agree that Japanese ppl are way to skinny!
I'm really into this band call "KAT-TUN" now, and this guy I really like~~ Kamenashi only 52kg! Yikes! >"<
Hey~~ can I have your email address (not your school one)?


Theresa "Ting" Chen said...

KAT-TUN is everywhere here. All the girls are obsessed... at least on TV anyways. They're faces are plastered all over. Especially that one guy since he's advertising.... a phone, i think.

Anyways, I don't really like them myself, but I can get you a CD if you want. Or a DVD? There's a lot of guy on guy action on stage, from what friends have shown me. Haha.

As for the email, email my school address so I can remember what yours is.

Anonymous said...

Hey it is one month already. Miss you.

Anonymous said...

that has got to be a lie. I drink like a cup of water per day, and i think im still..fat.

Anonymous said...

That's interesting how Japanese people eat a lot! I thought all the food portion there is small. Maybe it's just their body type, then?

Theresa "Ting" Chen said...

Food portions are smaller than America... but it's the rice that's enormous. I think anyways. So far, each trip to a restaurant i've either been stuffed or didn't finish and made a friend eat it. Lol.

And Ho Jung, ur pretty skinny, u know.