Sunday, July 29, 2007

Catch-up #2: Okonomiyaki w/ Friends

I thought people might like to see just what going out for okonomiyaki is like. It really is an event in itself. We reserved the tables for 2 hours of all-you-can-eat. And I was quite terrified by the amount these little asian girls can consume. 1 okonomiyaki is enough to make me full. My particular table of 4 ordered (and finished off) a total of: 4 okonomiyaki, 3 monjyayaki, and 2 yakisoba. Afterwards, one still wanted to run in to another restaurant and get cake for dessert. Of course it was the littlest.

Anyways, it was a fun party, even though I'm incredibly sick of eating this stuff. It tastes awesome though, just had it one too many times.

Two okonomiyakis still cooking.

Monjyayaki. You use the little spatulas to pick it up and eat it.

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